Houston Astros were eliminated before the World Series, but manager Dusty Baker gave his all for a repeat this season. He won the World Series in 2022 and was still on pace to get back to it once again. The intense ALCS showdown went to Game 7 before the Texas Rangers won 11-4 at Minute Maid Park.
As per Celebrity Net Worth, Baker's net worth is around $20 million, and he has an annual salary of $1.5 million. In January 2020, he signed a one-year contract with the Astros. Following a successful 2022 season, the Astros extended him for one more year.
Following the 2023 ALCS exit, the 74-year-old has decided to retire from his Hall of Fame coaching career. He confirmed:

70% Win
70% Win
70% Win
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Dusty Baker's Hall of Fame resume
The two-time All-Star made his MLB debut as a player on Sept. 7, 1968, with the Atlanta Braves who drafted him in 1967 in the amateur draft. He also played for the Atlanta Braves (1968–1975), Los Angeles Dodgers (1976–1983), San Francisco Giants (1984) and Oakland Athletics (1985–1986).
Moreover, he hit .278 along with 272 home runs and 1,013 runs batted in. He was a 2× World Series champion (1981, 2022), NLCS MVP (1977), Gold Glove Award (1981) and 2× Silver Slugger Award (1980, 1981).
After being promoted from his coaching gig that lasted from 1988-1992, he started his managing career with the San Francisco Giants in 1993. He led them to a 103-59 record in his first year as a manager and went on to win NL Manager of the Year that year.
He also managed San Francisco Giants (1993–2002), Chicago Cubs (2003–2006), Cincinnati Reds (2008–2013), Washington Nationals (2016–2017) and Houston Astros (2020–2023). He won the NL Manager of the Year three times in 1993, 1997 and 2000.
Dusty Baker is the first manager in major league history to win division titles with five teams and is the ninth to win both the AL and NL pennants. While Dusty Baker may have retired from his managing duties, he boasts an impressive managerial record of 2,183-1,862, .540%.
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