Fairy-type Pokémon will make quick work of Guzzlord, though you’ll still want to team up with a few other trainers to increase your odds of success.

The gist:
- Guzzlord is available in Pokémon GO Five-Star Raids until Oct. 20.
- The best way to beat Guzzlord is by using Fairy-type Pokémon, such as Gardevoir.
- Consider teaming up with a few other trainers (at least three) to bring Guzzlord down with ease.
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The terrifying Guzzlord is now appearing in five-star Pokémon GO raids, and bringing them down is no small task. However, there are a few things you can do to improve your odds of a successful battle. Here’s a look at how to beat Guzzlord in Pokémon GO and add them to your roster.
Guzzlord 'Pokémon GO' five-star raid guide.
The best way to beat Guzzlord is by bringing Fairy-type Pokémon into the raid. Guzzlord is incredibly vulnerable to Fairy-types, meaning Gardevoir, Xerneas, Granbull, and Togekiss are all great options. To improve your odds, consider teaming up with at least three other players — and make sure they bring Fairy-type Pokémon into the battle.
Including the Pokémon above, here are the best Guzzlord counters in Pokémon GO:
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- Gardevoir
- Xerneas
- Alakazam
- Granbull
- Togekiss
- Zacian
- Sylveon
- Primarina
- Donphan
- Diancie
- Ninetales
Useful movesets typically include skills like Charm, Dazzling Gleam, Play Rough, and Moonblast. You’ll want to bring as many Fairy-type attacks as possible, while also ensuring your Pokémon are strong enough to withstand attacks from the high-level enemy.
Beyond using Fairy-type monsters, you can also try using Dragon-type, Fighting-type, and Ice-type Pokémon.
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How to find Guzzlord in 'Pokémon GO'.
Guzzlord will be available as a Five-Star raid boss from Oct. 6 until 10 a.m local time on Oct. 20. Simply roam around your neighborhood until you find one of these on the map, and there’s a good chance you’ll find Guzzlord lurking within.
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It’s possible to find a Shiny Guzzlord in Pokémon, and they’re easy to spot thanks to their white and orange design. Typically, Guzzlord is a combination of yellow and black. But whichever one you fight, you’ll be up for a challenge. Be sure to show up prepared, otherwise, you'll be in for a long (and unfulfilling) encounter.
Can you solo Guzzlord in 'Pokémon GO'?
If you’re a solo Pokémon GO player, you’ll be glad to know that you can take down Guzzlord without help from other trainers. It won’t be easy, but here’s a look at what you can do to beat Guzzlord solo:
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- Use your highest-level Fairy-type Pokémon. Ideally, they’ll have reached max CP.
- Stick with powerful Pokémon such as Xerneas, Shadow Granbull, and Gardevoir.
- Your moveset should include attacks such as Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, and Charm.
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Defeating Guzzlord solo isn’t recommended for most players. And remember — the faster you defeat them, the more Premier Balls you’ll have to capture them. Because of this, teaming up with other players offers the best shot at adding them to your roster.
Since Guzzlord will be sticking around until Oct. 20, you have plenty of time to put together a robust team and challenge the fearsome beast. So, if your roster is lacking Fairy-type Pokémon, spend the next few days building up a team before challenging Guzzlord.